Free Printables.
Print off your very own Fox & Polar masks. Simply cut around the edges of the mask carefully, cut or punch holes out for the ribbon and pop them over your head!Make sure a grown-up is present when using scissors.
Click on the link below to download.
Nordic Christmas Fox Mask.pdf
This delightful Christmas game can be played with friends & family.
1) Place all cards face down
2) Each player takes it in turn to pick 2 cards
3) If the cards match the player keeps them
4) If the cards do not match they are returned to their face down position.
5) The winner is the player with most pairs!
Make sure a grown-up is present when using scissors.
Click on the link below to download.
Print your own delightful festive treat box with our Hygge inspired Nordic Christmas design.
Cut out along the outer lines & slits. Fold along the dotted lines, pop in a little treat and secure the sliding slits together.
Click on the link below to download.
Print off your very own Christmas card! This delightful free printable includes two different holiday greetings with Polar Bears or a jumping Fox!
Simply cut along the dotted lines, colour in the festive setting and send to your friends & family wishing them a happy Christmas.
Click on the link below to download.